Sunday, April 15, 2007

That first post...

Hi, my name is Katrina.
I won't bother you with Too many details... Suffice it to say I figured that as this was a blog through Google, I might find what (or rather Who) I'm looking for easier here.

You see, I'm searching for somebody. Several somebodies in fact.
My family. My dad and sibs as well as a couple missing cousins.
I know I know... How forgetful can a person get that they lose track of their Family members?!?
It's a Tad more complicated than that. But the long-n-short of it is I Have lost track of the silly buggers. And where I once trotted over to the white pages and looked people up, that's just not that simple any more. Now there's a lock down on even the 'net. And every seedy unethical company out there get to charge others for something as simple as a phone number of your next door neighbor.
Sorry... Mild rant. It just irks me that while I (a person with a Legitimate reason for looking for them) can't get this information without jumping through hoops and forking over money I don't have, these companies go out and latch on to the same info and sell it to the highest bidder regardless of whether said bidder has any right to the information in the first place.
Yes that Does bother me quite a bit. ¬¬*
Anyway... This blog is for the sole purpose (despite that little outburst... ^_^;;) of reaching out to find those people if I can.
I won't be posting much... Just maybe once a week or so to make sure this remains visible in case one or more of the people I'm searching for are on here. And likely as not, you'll see me on myspace too.

I'm not entirely sure how this will work... Any ideas or suggestions (that are LEGAL!) would be helpful and appreciated.

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